714-615-1605 | 714-225-7894

Be Healthy. Get Fit and Stay Fit.

Strength And Conditioning

instructor assisting a female doing dumbbell exerciseAdmittedly, our strength and conditioning program at Dark Knight Sports Training can be intense and challenging – but this is only because we want to push you to achieve your goals! With our high-intensity workout, we make sure that you do not quit and that you will be able to achieve optimum balance, coordination, strength, and athleticism. With our strength and conditioning program, we will make sure to challenge your mental and physical strength.

  • With this program, it is our goal to:
  • Bring out your inner athlete
  • Decrease your body fat
  • Increase your muscle tone and strength
  • Improve your posture
  • Teach your endurance

To learn more about our strength and conditioning program, please contact us right away at 714-615-1605. We would love to help you achieve your training goals today!